The story of waiting in line all night to buy the new iPhone model is so familiar, but when buying a car, it is really confusing, to the point that many people suspect that the car company hired people to fake queues to attract attention.

However, that's what actually happened last week at BYD's showroom in Thailand. Official distributor BYD Rever Thailand spoke up to explain why many Thais are eager to own the Atto 3 electric car from China.
Customers waited all night to register to buy a Chinese electric car model - 1
The image of some Thai people waiting overnight outside the dealership waiting to buy a BYD Atto 3 car last week caused a stir on social networks (Photo: WapCar).
Initially, information about customers lining up overnight to wait to register to buy an Atto 3 car was suspected to be fake news. Then, when the photo spread online, many people suspected that BYD Rever had hired people to line up to cause a virtual fever.
However, the reality is that on the first day of selling Atto 3, distributor BYD Rever received a total of 2,507 orders. This is not a small number in one day.

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