Swedish auto brand Volvo believes that production costs will be an advantage for luxury car brands when switching to electric cars.
Volvo previously announced that it would become a pure electric vehicle manufacturer by 2030 and to date, there are no vehicles running solely on gasoline in its product portfolio. In July 2021, Volvo transferred the development of internal combustion engines to Aurobay, its joint venture with Geely, so that it can focus entirely on making electric vehicles.
This luxury car company affirms that in just 2 years, electric cars will be as cheap as gasoline cars - 1
Volvo said it is approaching the goal of equal production costs for electric vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles by 2025 (Photo: ScandAsia).
If this goal is achieved, Volvo will have an advantage in production costs compared to some brands that are still maintaining internal combustion engine development. "I find it really important to achieve parity in production costs between pure electric vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles," said Volvo's commercial director, Bjorn Annwall.
"Our entire technical strategy is aimed at this goal, which is that by the middle of the decade it will be as expensive to produce pure electric vehicles as it is to produce internal combustion engine vehicles. And that's why we have to focus Total force changes everything," he said.
"It's probably easier for a luxury car maker to do this than for a mass-market car maker. That's why it might come to Volvo faster, as said, we're a pretty good brand." small, so we can change faster. I can be sure we will achieve that goal," Mr. Annwall explained.

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