Two-thirds of dealers surveyed said they did not have electric cars available for sale; Customers have to order and wait quite a long time.
In the past few years, the prestigious US environmental organization Sierra Club has produced an annual report "Rev Up" tracking the use of electric cars here. This year's report has just been released, showing an interesting picture of why more Americans have not yet switched to electric cars. Turns out, it's not simply a concern about how far the car can run after each battery charge.
Buying an electric car in the US is not easy, the reason makes many people surprised - 1
Batteries are not the only problem that prevents electric cars from reaching a large number of consumers in the US (Photo: Sierra Club).
Sierra Club staff and volunteers contacted 800 auto dealerships across the United States. Dealers participating in the survey represented 18 auto brands (excluding Tesla, as electric cars are its only product). Dealers were asked two questions: Do they have electric vehicles in stock? And if not, would they want to sell electric vehicles if they were available?
The answers revealed the basic law of supply and demand: If you want to sell a product, you need to have it in stock. And in fact, 66% of auto dealers surveyed did not have electric vehicles available for sale. That's equivalent to more than 500 dealers without electric cars for sale.
Of those, nearly half (44%) actually want an electric car to sell. Customers currently have to place orders and wait many months for their cars to be delivered.
This is not surprising. The main reason for the scarcity in the market is a supply chain problem, affecting production activities.

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