According to the latest rankings, Apple is the best-managed company in the US in 2024.

According to this year's Drucker Institute's Management Top 250, Apple is the bes
t-managed company in the United States. The company has dethroned Microsoft for the title, which it had held for the past four years. Microso
ft dropped to third place this year, while Nvidia moved up to second place.
Apple is the best managed company in America.
Apple is the best managed company in America.
According to a report by The Wallet Street Journal, the 10 best-managed technology companies in the US this year are:
1. Apple: 92.1
2. Nvidia: 90.1
3. Microsoft: 88.8
4. Intel: 78.5
5. Mastercard: 75.7
6. Johnson & Johnson: 75.5
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7. Procter & Gamble: 75.2
8. Alphabet: 74.2
9. Adobe: 73.9
10. Philip Morris International: 73.8
The Management Top 250 ranking compares companies using the principles of late management guru Peter Drucker to identify the most effectively managed businesses.
Nvidia rises to second place on list of best-managed companies in America.
Nvidia rises to second place on list of best-managed companies in America.
This year, 842 companies were ranked across five categories (customer satisfaction, innovation, social responsibility, employee engagement and development, and financial strength) based on 35 metrics provided by third-party data providers.
The statistical model that generated the rankings was developed by researchers at Claremont Graduate University's Drucker Institute. Bendable Labs, a private company, partnered with Drucker to perform the calculations and interpret them.