Dubai (UAE)-based luxury smartphone maker Caviar has just launched its latest custom iPhone 16 collection that exudes extravagance.

Known for combining rare materials and advanced technology, Caviar introduced the iPhone 16 Pro Max model named “The Great, T
he Terrible, The Magnificent”. The phone is decorated with a crown crafted from 18-karat solid gold and encrusted with precious s
tones, inspired by the crowns of three famous kings: Ivan the Terrible, Suleiman the Great and Charlemagne.
iPhone 16 Pro Max "The Great, The Terrible, The Magnificent".
iPhone 16 Pro Max "The Great, The Terrible, The Magnificent".
This unique crown weighs over 1kg and is crafted from 750 grade gold, with the top decorated with a cross that reflects the he
address of the Russian Tsar. The gemstones on the crown are inspired by the Holy Roman Empire, while the base mimics the shape of th
e helmet of Suleiman the Great. The intricate design is further enhanced with botanical motifs that are a strong oriental aesthetic.
In addition to the crown, the body is also decorated with 402 diamonds, rubies a
nd sapphires, creating sophistication and durability for the product.
The price for this expensive product is up to 7.66 billion VND.
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The price for this expensive product is up to 7.66 billion VND.
Notably, the iPhone 16 Pro Max “The Great, The Terrible, The Magnificent” is
limited to only three units worldwide, emphasizing its rarity and exclusivity, making it an ideal collectible for luxury lovers.
In addition to the crown design, Caviar also introduced three Swiss watch-inspired models, including the Evergreen, Atlan
tis and Twilight versions, with designs reminiscent of famous Rolex watches. The Atlantis, for example, is inspired by the Rolex Submarin
r, with a dark blue alligator skin to represent the ocean, and gold accents.
The world's first custom Apple Vision Pro.
The world's first custom Apple Vision Pro.
These models start at $9,910 for the Atlantis, while the solid gold ver
sions cost $301,070 for the 256GB version and $301,790 for the 1TB version. Earlier this year, Caviar also launched the world's first l
uxury custom Apple Vision Pro, starting at $26,700, and an iPhone 16 Pro collection that
celebrates famous figures like Steve Jobs, Donald Trump, and Elon Musk, starting at $9,200.