Users are advised to switch to newer iPhone models such as the iPhone 12 series or recently launched Android phones.

Apple's iPhones go through several phases, with a product considered vintage if it hasn't been sold for more than five years bu
t less than seven. Once a phone reaches the seven-year mark since it was discon
tinued, it moves to the obsolete label. An obsolete iPhone will no longer receive hardware maintenance and parts can no longer be ordered.
The iPhone will be obsolete 7 years after Apple stops producing it.
The iPhone will be obsolete 7 years after Apple stops producing it.
Outdated iPhone models do not receive security updates from Apple, m
aking them a potential security threat that leaves users’ financial apps vulnerable to attack. And because they are no longer eligible for iOS up
dates, outdated iPhone models also do not offer up
dated features and may not be compatible with the latest versions of iOS apps.
If you’re the type of person who buys a new iPhone and replaces it regularly
, this isn’t really a concern. But if you’re still using these older iPhones, it’s time to replace them now.
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Again, this isn’t about buying a new iPhone for the latest features, it’s about keeping the financial apps on your iOS device safe fro
m cybercriminals. So if your iPhone is on the following outdated list, you may have to bite the bullet and buy a new phone, whether it’s an iPhone or an Android.
Users are advised to buy iPhone 12 series or later if they want to use it for a long time.
Users are advised to buy iPhone 12 series or later if they want to use it for a long time.
Below are the iPhone models that will be obsolete by the end of 2024, including the iPhone (original), iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 , iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus. In addition, users should also avoid using or buying iPhone models that are on the vintage list because they will soon become obsolete. iPhone models that are considered vintage include the iPhone SE (1st generation), iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus.
If you have one of the vintage iPhone models listed above, it won’t be long before your device is listed as obsolete and becomes a serious security threat. If you want to stay out of trouble for a few years, you might want to consider buying an iPhone 12 series or later, as those phones won’t be listed as obsolete for a few more years.