Technological devices are supposed to make our lives easier but they also witness many accidents.
According to the study, hoverboards are the “champions” of the list of objects that cause accidents. These motorized hoverboards result in the highest number of emergency room visits, with the most common injuries being to the wrists and head. A simple but essential piece of advice: always wear a helmet when using a hoverboard.
Hoverboards top the list of causes of accidents.
Although it is not always obvious, smartphones are the cause of many unexpected accidents. More than 13% of phone-related injuries occur when the device falls on the face, toes, or even on children. In particular, 12% of accidents occur when users are too focused on the screen, leading to falls off bicycles or tripping over potholes. In fact, 5% of emergency room visits are due to electric shock or burns from these devices.
Many people are engrossed in using their smartphones without paying attention to their surroundings.
World of video games
Video games also add to the list of accidents. Virtual reality (VR) games are particularly dangerous, with more than 64% of injuries coming from accidental hits from players or bystanders. In one memorable case, a 12-year-old boy was hospitalized after accidentally hitting himself in the genital area.
Virtual reality gaming devices cause many rare accidents.
Traditional gaming devices are not immune to the risks, with many injuries resulting from angry gestures such as smashing windows or glass tables. Notably, nearly a quarter of video game-related incidents were due to seizures, highlighting the importance of warnings about light-sensitive content.