After being "caught" by Apple for leaking information, the former iOS engineer had

to publicly apologize.
The story began in March 2024, when Apple filed a lawsuit against Aude - who had
worked for the company for 8 years - for disclosing confidential information
about the company's products and policies, including the super product Vision Pro virtual reality glasses.
However, the lawsuit has recently been unexpectedly closed. According to sources, Apple and Aude have reached a settlement, in wh
ich Aude must publicly apologize in exchange for the charges being dropped.
Former Apple engineer publicly apologizes for revealing company secrets.
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Former Apple engineer publicly apologizes for revealing company secrets.
On social network X (Twitter), Aude posted a long article expressing regret for his actions. He admitted that he shared inside
formation with journalists and paid a heavy price for this mistake. "The information leak was not worth it. I sincerely apologize to my former colleagues," Aude wrote.
Aude was reported fired by Apple in 2023 after being exposed as a leaker. Heh
ikely chose to make a public apology to avoid the huge legal costs that would have come with a lengthy lawsuit.
The incident has raised concerns about information security in technology
companies. Whatever the reason, the disclosure of trade secrets can have serious consequences for both individuals and businesses.