Things users may not know about their phones

 The phone has become an indispensable item for many people in modern life today.

However, not everyone is fully aware of the potential of this device.

The content of the article below will introduce some interesting features of the phone, especially how to protect the battery.

Charging to 100% may not be a good habit

Many users often think that charging their phone to 100% is necessary to ensure the battery life of the device.

However, the reality shows that this can be harmful to the battery.

When charging from 0% to 100% regularly, users can put a lot of pressure on the battery, leading to the risk of overload and damage.

Things users may not know about their phones - 1

Brands like Samsung have shown that full charge is not always good. On their o

fficial website, Samsung introduces the Protect Battery feature that allows users to limit the charging level to 85%. This feature helps maintain the battery life of the smartphone , thereby providing

longer lasting performance for the device.

SOS emergency call

One of the lesser-known things your phone can do is make an emergency SOS call. According to Google's support page, you can activ

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ate this feature by pressing the power button five times in a row. This will alert emergency services.

Things users may not know about their phones - 2

However, this feature is not available in all countries and regions. Users can regist

er emergency contacts to ensure that when this feature is activated, the emergency contact will receive a notification of the location of the person needing help.

Unexpected value from old phones

Another interesting fact is that phones contain gold and other precious metals. Older phones in particular often have this component. Gold is an excellent conductor of electricity and is highly resistant to corrosion. It is estimated that a smartphone can contain up to 0.034 grams of gold. This means that to recover 1 gram of gold, about 40 phones need to be recycled.

Things users may not know about their phones - 3

James Potocnik, former European Commissioner for the Environment, has stressed the importance of recycling these materials and recommended “transforming Europe into a zero-waste society”, in order to make efficient use of the resources contained in waste.

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